Compiled by Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane 

  • At the UNODC discussions on quality assurance in the treatment of drug use disorders, clarity on the registration process for treatment centres emerged as a key focus. The aim was to standardise guidelines and ensure high standards of care across all facilities.
  • Ms. Desary Carlinsky, Director of Substance Abuse, Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation from the Gauteng Department of Social Development, outlined a detailed step-by-step guide for registering treatment centres, emphasising the importance of compliance with required documentation and municipal approvals.
  • The Department of Social Development plays a pivotal role in assessing applications, conducting inspections, and ensuring that all treatment centres meet the necessary standards before granting registration.

During the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) discussions on adapting key quality standards for service appraisal and ensuring quality assurance in the treatment of drug use disorders, the process of registering treatment centres took centre stage.

Ms. Desary Carlinsky, Director of Substance Abuse, Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation from the Gauteng Department of Social Development, provided a step-by-step guide on how to register a SUD (Substance Use Disorder) treatment centre. She explained that application forms for registration are available from social development departments and must be completed, signed, and submitted to the Provincial Department of Social Development along with specific supporting documents.

Supporting Documents Required:

  • A copy of the signed constitution (for Non-Profit Organisations) or deeds document (for legal entities for profit).
  • Health Clearance Certificate from the local municipality.
  • Fire Clearance Certificate from the local municipality.
  • Zoning/Re-Zoning Certificate aligned with the proposed business type from the local municipality.
  • Building plan or schematic sketch approved by the local municipality, compliant with Chapter 7 of the minimum norms and standards for in-patient treatment centres.
  • Documented policies and procedures for the admission, release, and expulsion of clients, developed by the applicant.
  • A detailed multi-disciplinary treatment programme for clients, developed or sourced by the applicant in consultation with relevant professionals.
  • Daily programme, structured treatment programmes, and protocols for detoxification where applicable.
  • Nutritional programme accommodating special diets, developed or sourced in consultation with a dietician.
  • House rules, disciplinary intervention policy, and grievance procedures for staff and residents, developed or sourced by the applicant.
  • Financial statement (if applicable), obtained from a financial institution or auditor.
  • Resident and/or treatment fee structure, and a means test for clients unable to pay the required fees.
  • Organogram of staff, indicating positions and responsibilities.

Department of Social Development’s Responsibilities:

  • Acknowledging receipt of application forms in writing within two weeks.
  • Assessing the application to ensure it is complete and accompanied by all necessary documents.
  • Communicating findings to the applicant and conducting an assessment or inspection of the treatment centre or halfway house within two months of receiving the application.

For existing buildings proposed as treatment centres, a thorough assessment is required before registration, including:

  • Formation of an assessment team comprising a social worker and healthcare professional.
  • Notification to the applicant of the assessment visit, including the date, purpose, and roles of all parties involved.
  • Completing an assessment of the treatment centre and submitting a report within one month of the assessment.

If registration is granted before the development of a new building, an assessment must be conducted immediately after the building is completed.

These steps are crucial to ensuring that all treatment centres adhere to the necessary standards and provide safe, effective care for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. The Department of Social Development remains committed to overseeing this process and enhancing the quality of treatment services in South Africa.


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